Get those toes ready for Valentine's Day!

Pedicure Tips

Dr. Kayla Emter, DPM

Pedicures are often enjoyable and allow for a little rest and relaxation that is often well deserved. As a result pedicures should be a worry free experience; however there are numerous issues that can arise from having pedicures that you ought to be aware of prior to scheduling your next visit.

1. Sure, we all want to save ourselves from embarrassment and get rid of that stubble on our legs prior to our pedicure, but in all reality you may be causing yourself more harm by shaving the day before or day of the appointment. Shaving can cause openings in the skin and hair follicles allowing for the entry of bacteria. This is not only painful when they seemingly grind their exfoliating sand scrub into your fresh shaved legs, but can also cause an infection of the hair follicle, called folliculitis.

2. Contrary to what most people believe looks best, the toenail should be cut straight across rather than rounded at the edges. Allowing for the edges to be trimmed back too far can result in ingrown toenails as well as entry of bacteria to the nail bed causing infection.

3. Chances are if you’re going to the nail salon, you’re looking for cute, fresh polished nails. Unfortunately, your nails may not be cute for long if you opt to go to a salon that doesn’t sterilize their tools. Nail fungus can be transferred between clients and cause thick, yellow nails with debris beneath the nail beds. The best way to avoid this is to be sure that the tools are sterilized, or even better, go to a salon that requires a onetime purchase of your own tools.

4. Removing nail polish routinely rather than leaving it on for months at a time allows for the nail to “breathe” and prevents the formation of nail fungus. Take your nail polish off a few days before the next application.

5. Diabetics must always be cautious about pedicures as many nail technicians aren’t educated about the disease process. Because diabetics can’t fight off infection as well as a non-diabetic, their chances of getting an infection from a visit to the nail salon is much higher. A good portion of diabetics don’t have feeling to their feet and can develop burns from the water and hot towels that are used.

Now that you are well equipped to make informed decisions about your choice of nail salon, I wish for you a rest, relaxation, and pretty piggy’s!

If you are afraid you have fungal nails or think you have an infected toenail Contact Us to request an appointment today!

Dakota Foot & Ankle Clinic


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm


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