Dealing with Dry Skin

Dry, Cracked Feet

Dr. Kayla Emter, DPM

If it looks like a winter snow storm upon removal of your socks due to dead dry skin particles or your partner tells you to stop rubbing your rough feet against him/her in bed, chances are the arid winter air has probably got the best of your feet. Winter is notorious for causing dry skin and cracks in your heels. Not only can cracks in the heels/skin be painful, but can also be hazardous for some folks. Any break in the skin, including cracks in the heels can become infected with bacteria or even a virus. This can potentially be detrimental in a healthy individual, let alone someone that has a harder time fighting off infection such as a diabetic.

Other than the dry winter weather, there are numerous other things that can contribute to dry skin, for example;

1. Going barefoot or consistently wearing sandals can be a contributing factor.

2. Another thing that influences dry skin is either not using a skin moisturizer or using one that has alcohol as one of the main ingredients. Alcohol is a drying agent and is contained within many of those pretty smelling lotions that we are more apt to use because of their scent.

3. Body wash can also be another instigator for drying out the skin. A harsh body wash removes the natural oils from the skin that help keep it hydrated.

4. Nothing feels better than a hot shower/bath during the dead of winter, but is also another culprit for drying out the skin.

The best time to work on dead skin, particularly the heels, is after bathing when the skin is at its softest. Use a pumice stone to gently remove dead skin and apply moisturizer after this. Another tip is to wear socks to bed after using a moisturizer to help lock moisture into the feet. Consistency and massaging into the feet is also key to regaining your soft, silky skin. And if you’re lucky your partner will volunteer to massage your feet during your lotion application…hey, we all can dream, right?

If you are dealing with dry skin that just won't go away Contact Us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kayla Emter, DPM or Dr. Brian Gale, DPM, FACFAS.

Dakota Foot & Ankle Clinic


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm



