Get Your Feet Ready for Surgery!

Foot Surgery Preparation

Dr. Kayla Emter, DPM

No one realizes how much they depend on their feet to do activities of daily living until they are laid up after foot surgery. Preparation for surgery is instrumental to ensure your recovery is successful and more tolerable. Having had foot surgery in the past, I can vouch for how important it is to make sure everything is set up in advance. Here are a few tips I have to offer you:

You will not want to leave the house (nor should you) for the first week or so nor will you want to be up and about. Your foot will be the first thing to remind you of this as blood will rush to the operative site and cause swelling and a throbbing pain when you are up. To avoid this there are a few things you can do in advance.

1. Meal plan, prep and purchase groceries in advance. Don’t forget to purchase ice for post op swelling!

2. Prepare activities to occupy your time whether it is books, movies, sewing supplies, or hobbies that can be done while you’re reclined. I really enjoyed coloring when I was laid up. It helped pass the time and was actually relaxing, besides they have some really neat adult coloring books these days!

3. Arrange your house accordingly. Move any objects in the way of getting to and from the couch/bed. Remove any rugs that may be a fall hazard or things in a narrow hallway that you won’t want to dodge with crutches, walker, knee scooter or wheelchair. If your bedroom isn’t on the main level, you may want to consider bringing a mattress to the main level until you have the go ahead to go up and down stairs. Purchasing a removable shower head may be beneficial. Oftentimes, we ask that you don’t get the foot wet for a couple weeks. A shower head helps you more easily direct where the water is sprayed. Another thing that may be beneficial is a shower chair to avoid any falls while you are supposed to be off your foot.

4. Set up your own little recovery nook. Have everything beside you that you could possibly need including the remote, cell phone and charger, pillows for elevation, snacks, Kleenexes, medication, pen and paper, etc.

Maybe this list sounds like overkill, but you will soon find that you’re thanking yourself for preparing beforehand! One more thing, if you have that luxury, don’t forget the little bell beside your recliner so you can be waited on hand and FOOT!

If you think you need surgery Contact Us to schedule an Appointment at Our Bismarck Office.

Dakota Foot & Ankle Clinic


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm



